On Tuesday August 27, former Wake Forest football players Devin Bolling and Duran Lowe had misdemeanor drug charges against them dismissed. The two athletes had been suspended last year after being arrested on drug charges, which violated athletics department policy.
According to a news article at TheTimesNews.com, Lowe pleaded guilty in February to possession of drug paraphernalia, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, and possession of stolen goods. He was initially charged with maintaining a dwelling for controlled substances, a misdemeanor offense, and felony possession with intent to sell and distribute marijuana. Police had received a report regarding possible drug activity in the apartment the two athletes shared. Upon searching the apartment (which the suspects apparently allowed), police discovered digital scales and marijuana.
Los Angeles drug crime attorneys understand that it makes do difference what state you live in; when a young college-age student gets into trouble with the law, it is extremely stressful for both the student and the parents. Teens and young adults make mistakes, as even adults do. It is important to note that not every case involving drugs is vigorously prosecuted, and there are alternatives available in some situations that focus on rehabilitation rather than criminal punishment.
In this case, Lowe may have faced serious consequences had he not worked with a criminal defense lawyer who explored alternative sentencing options. By staying out of further trouble, performing community service and participating in an alternative program, Bolling and Lowe were able to avoid prosecution – and possibly jail/prison time.
In the state of California, individuals charged with certain drug offenses may be eligible for one of three sentencing alternatives. These include drug court, deferred entry of judgment or DEJ, and Proposition 36. Whether or not a defendant will qualify for any of these options depends on the circumstances in each individual case. Non-violent offenders are more likely to qualify for these alternative sentencing programs, which you can learn more about by speaking with an experienced criminal defense attorney who focuses on drug offenses.
If you have been charged with a drug crime, a skilled Los Angeles drug crime defense lawyer with The Justice Firm will thoroughly review your case to determine if you may be eligible for any of the options above so that you can avoid jail time and other harsh penalties.