Child Enticement
Child enticement is a very serious charge in the state of California. If you have been accused of this criminal offense, it is important to know that time is not on your side, and you must contact a skilled Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer at once. At The Justice Firm, we understand that people are often wrongfully accused of crimes they did not commit. While you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, a conviction can mean the difference between your freedom, a successful career, and good reputation, and prison time.
The term "child enticement" is one that encompasses numerous discrete crimes, and typically involving luring children to engage in child pornography or other sexual activities, frequently through the use of the internet. Child kidnapping and prostitution often fall under this umbrella. While this is a criminal offense in all states, every state defines it in its own way, and criminal penalties vary by state. In California, the criminal penalties for child enticement are extremely severe.
Child Enticement in CaliforniaSome refer to this offense as enticement of a child; regardless of the term used, it is the crime of committing a sexual act against a child through the luring of that child into a building, vehicle, or other secluded area. Examples include:
Committing lascivious or lewd acts with a child Unlawful sexual intercourse The solicitation of a child for the purpose of prostitution Sodomy Sexual activity with a child via the InternetIf suspected of child enticement, you may be charged at the state or federal level. In California, most offenses involving the luring of a child for sexual purposes are charged as felonies. This means not only severe criminal penalties including prison time, but being required to register as a sex offender for a lifetime. Unless noted otherwise, most offenses involve minors who are younger than 18 years of age.
Los Angeles Criminal Penalties for Child EnticementThe penalties for a conviction on child enticement charges vary depending on the nature of the crime you are accused of committing, and include:
Contacting a Child
- Fines of up to $5,000
- Maximum one year in jail
- If a repeat offender, prison time
- Lifetime registration as a sex offender
Seducing a Child
- Maximum of six months in jail
- Fines of up to $1,000
- Repeat offenders may face up to three years in prison, and fines of up to $10,000
- Five additional years in prison with record of specific other offenses
- Lifetime registration as a sex offender
- If charged as a felony, fines of up to $10,000 and up to four years in prison
- If charged as a misdemeanor, fines of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail
- Five additional years in prison with criminal record of certain other offenses
Charges of child enticement should be taken very seriously, as your freedom and so much more is in jeopardy. At The Justice Firm, we are dedicated to providing you with unparalleled legal guidance and representation. We will fight aggressively to ensure you are not unfairly convicted or punished. We urge you to contact our office today, or call 310-914-2444 for a free consultation.