Medicare Fraud
Medicare fraud is a federal crime, and involves billing or over-billing Medicare for patient care, supplies, or services not rendered - in other words, care or services the patient did not receive. Whether you have been arrested or are under investigation, it is imperative you consult with a highly capable Los Angeles Medicare fraud defense lawyer right away. The criminal penalties for a federal conviction are severe, even life-changing. At The Justice firm, our criminal defense attorneys are highly experienced, skilled, and dedicated to the best possible outcome for every client we represent.
Building a solid, effective defense strategy for those accused of any type of fraud requires time and an attorney who is both creative and aggressive. The earlier you consult with a lawyer, the sooner work can begin on your case. We are dedicated to educating clients accused of Medicare fraud regarding the criminal justice process, what to expect, and how we intend to defend you against the charges brought against you. Ultimately, our goal is to protect your legal rights and freedom, fighting vigorously in order to prevent a conviction and harsh criminal penalties.
Medicare Fraud in CaliforniaMedicare is designed for those ages 65 and over, a social insurance program administered by the U.S. government. In recent years, fraud charges connected with Medicare have risen substantially. When a corporation or individual attempts to collect reimbursement through Medicare under false pretenses, it is considered Medicare fraud. This can occur through patient or "phantom" billing, or unbundling/upcoding schemes. Various types of healthcare fraud, including Medicare, cost the federal government millions of dollars each year.
Federal prosecutors vigorously pursue those who are suspected of Medicare fraud. However, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused individual is guilty. Prosecutors must be able to clearly demonstrate that you deliberately intended to deceive the U.S. government. Because the criminal penalties in federal cases are more severe, it is critical you have a Los Angeles Medicare fraud defense lawyer who is competent and capable of building a solid defense. We urge you to contact our office now so that we can begin work on your case.
Criminal penalties for those convicted of Medicare fraud are severe and may include imprisonment in a federal prison for several years, along with thousands of dollars in fines. Probation is another possibility; you may be ordered to pay restitution and lose your professional license.
Contact The Justice Firm TodayEven for those accused of Medicare fraud but not convicted, the damage to your reputation and career can be devastating. Prosecutor's must prove certain elements of any criminal case; in this situation, it must be proven that you deliberately or purposely intended to deceive the government. In order to build a solid and effective defense, it is critical to obtain the support and guidance of a defense attorney with substantial experience and knowledge regarding these types of cases.
Any time you are dealing with the federal government it is a very serious matter. At The Justice Firm, we realize how frightening and stressful it is to be accused of or charged with Medicare fraud. We will fight vigorously on your behalf, investigating the charges, analyzing evidence, and determining the most effective course of action to help you avoid a conviction and life-changing consequences. Contact us now at 310-914-2444.